Bryant Park Shoeshine, 2016
42nd Street and 5th Avenue, Manhattan, New York City
For this participatory public performance, I bought a pair of all-white Air Force 1's and received a shoeshine at the stand on 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan. The work embeds itself in the practice of shoe-shining to explore it's material and metaphorical qualities, and it's relationship to aspects of identity, power, and labor.
Corrections Performance, in collaboration with James Hanley and Tia Kramer
Assembly, Mount Scott Community Center
Portland, Oregon
This performance, made in collaboration with James Hanley (Correctional Rehabilitations Manager at Columbia River Correctional Institution) and Tia Kramer (artist/choreographer), uses the language of boxing to explore physical conflict, power, and submission. Audience members were asked to document the performance through a writing exercise.

images by: Anke Schüttler